We are half way through 2021, and it is hard to believe that in six little months, there has been so much reactive marketing that has taken over our social media platforms. Here at Social+, we appreciate well-conducted reactive marketing, so we are here to share our favourites so far!
But first, what is reactive marketing? Reactive marketing is marketing that is done in reaction to a particular situation as a tool to gain engagement with an audience. By responding to events in real-time, brands are seen as relatable and relevant.
Jet 2 Holidays
Firstly, we have an end date in sight for COVID-19 restrictions – 21st June – and in response to this joyous news, Jet 2 reacted in the most perfect way. And who else would you want to see posting about the end of a global pandemic than your go-to affordable package holiday provider?
Since the beginning of the pandemic, everyone has been longing for their dream get away, some long-haul, other’s just want a few days in Benidorm with an excess amount of alcohol. Either way, Jet 2 had us all imagining the holiday of our dreams that we could potentially be on by the Summer! That’s if there is any location on the green list, nevertheless, the post gained so much interactivity, and I have no doubt a lot of holidays would have been booked as a result.
The Bernie Chair
Secondly, we have the Bernie chair. If you didn’t see one of the thousands of memes surfing every social media platform, then I will provide you with a little bit of context. During Joe Biden’s inauguration, Bernie Sanders sat very snug on a folded chair, with his knitted mittens and face mask, looking rather…bored to say the least.
IKEA gave us the most iconic response with the help of a Greek marketing agency.

An excellent response from IKEA Greece. In response to this Rise at Seven released their own version of the ad and had the most of LinkedIn fooled – thinking that was the real ad – to succeed in their mission to go viral. Let’s just say not everyone was as happy as CEO Carrie Rose was.
Weetabix x Heinz
Weetabix posted a very controversial tweet in February – is Piers Morgan controlling their account? Potentially.
Now you may ask, what is reactive about this? It is every single reply from every company you can think of. The ultimate twitter thread. This single tweet had most companies talking about all things Weetabix and Heinz. I have no doubt that an official collaboration will be coming soon. With humorous responses from Lidl and Specsavers, the whole of twitter was laughing along with them.
This year Marks and Spencers have been in a legal dispute with Aldi over their Cuthbert the Caterpillar cake being too similar to the original Colin the Caterpillar; instead of shying away from their legal battle being in the press, Aldi made sure to make it public knowledge.
#FreeCuthbert had the internet talking, every brand, person and their dog were choosing sides between Colin and Cuthbert. The biggest national dispute since the 2019 general election. Aldi took their legal implications into their own hands and turned the issue into a lighthearted situation, receiving both engagement and interactivity online.
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