
Headlines this week have discussed how Facebook are aware of how Instagram can have harmful effects on young girls.

The media have stated that Facebook conducted an internal study. According to The Guardian, the results of this study shown that 32% of teen girls said that “when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse.”

Instagram is a photo and video sharing platform which has evolved into a space where users can be paid for posting content that is affiliated with brands.

This has resulted into the rise of Influencers, and with that comes the pressure of looking somewhat ‘perfect’ on social media.

Influencers may feel pressured to be seen as flawless, and therefore may edit their pictures or post images with filters on.

Although the use of filters and editing apps may be innocent, this can set unrealistic expectations for young girls using the app.

So, it is understandable that the use of Instagram may negatively affect young girls when they are questioning their self-worth.

However, we believe that if Instagram is used mindfully, it can be a positive experience for users including young girls.

The most obvious first step in doing so, is to follow accounts that make you feel good! This could be accounts that post advice and reminders such as @wearefeelgoodclub or thought-provoking accounts such as @allontheboard.

Influencers such as @georgie.clarke and @_nelly_london are known for their authentic and honest content, posting un-posed images, stretchmarks and more. Their goal is to normalise normal bodies on social media, and we are here for it!

The flip side of this advice is that this may also mean that you will have to unfollow accounts that don’t make you feel good. If you look at images of someone and then have negative thoughts about yourself afterwards – unfollow! Life is too short, and you need to learn to accept and love the skin that you are in.

Step two is to remember that likes are simply just a number. A number on the bottom of yours or another user’s photo does not dictate your worth. Instagram are also in the process of making this feature optional on the app, with the aim of ‘depressurising people’s experience’.

Step three – build your community – follow and interact with relatable accounts that remind you of yourself. Create a space where you are connected with people who support each other online.

And remember, you only see the best parts of people’s lives. You might see users going out for cocktails and shopping in Harrods, but you don’t see them being late for work and spilling coffee down their white top at the beginning of the day! Nobody’s life is perfect and try not to let social media convince you that it is.

Having said that, Instagram is a great place for brand awareness and promotion. Using Instagram effectively can boost your business’ profitability and reputation.

This is something that Social+ can help you with! We offer packages that include social media management, web design, email marketing and more.

If this is something that would benefit your business, get in touch today for a free consultation on 0191 450 1066 or email us on