
Have you noticed a dramatic drop in your Google Analytics reports?

In August 2022, Google hit us with yet another Google algorithm update and this time, it was all about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). 

We are here to keep you up to date with the LATEST tips and tricks on how to make your blog posts and website pages boost in reach, and engagement and how to reduce your website bounce rate.

We are all waiting on Google to release more information on the algorithm update but here is what you need to know now…

#1 Content 

As content creators, we like to keep up to date with the latest news and trends. We see social trends in blogs, videos, and in music!

The new update will no longer be prioritising trends for google to promote. 

Copying and pasting trends in blogs and video content will never stop being popular as this is something people enjoy being a part of.

Smaller business accounts online that are trying to make a breakthrough are clouded by trends that don’t support their niche which stunts their potential growth. This is changing! 

Google has updated the algorithm to promote accounts like this and to encourage content creators to go back to doing what they do best. 

To create original content. 

Creating engaging, original content that adds value to a person’s day is what will boost your analytic results and increase the chances of your audience wanting to revisit it as this is useful content! 

A Social Plus tip we like to follow is:

Before creating content, put yourself in the audience’s shoes and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is this content engaging?
  2. How does this content benefit me?
  3. Does this content inform me of what I’m looking for?
  4. How does this add value to my day?
  5. Would I share this content online?

Asking these questions reminds us to create real, engaging, and informative content for people to enjoy. 

“Create for the people – not the bot.” 

 #2 Write for the people, not the bot 

This next point is aimed at our writers, website managers, and bloggers! 

As writers, we like to inform, be engaging, and be original in our writing. To reach our audience and be relatable.

These points are what make writing great!

Over time, writers have slowly moved away from writing original ideas and began to follow trends.

Trending Topics = More clicks

This has changed.

Google sees all and has noticed that there are many web pages creating the same content (word for word/following trending topics). 

The new update is now favouring original writing, topics that are trending but discussed from either a personal approach or from a new angle to keep the topic fresh. 

This new update allows websites of any size or popularity to be organically promoted in Google results.

Here are questions to ask yourself before writing for your website…

#3 Unhelpful Content 

As content creators, we aim to publish engaging, informative, and share-worthy content across many topics. However, some content creators love to create content over a wide range of topics to turn their website into a “one-stop” site. A one-stop site is where all information on many topics is published on one single page. 

Google has noticed this.

For websites like this, where many topics (e.g., fashion, food, fitness, and beauty) are all published on one page. The new update is against this way of publishing. 

Google’s aim is to promote sites that are focused on delivering useful content which falls under a niche. 

“But what if my website covers many topics? Is there a way around this?”

Answer: Yes!

Google views websites that publish many topics on one page, “un-useful” and “unhelpful.” Google aims to not only provide a service but a valued experience for its users. 

To be able to search and learn with ease.

Publishing many topics to one page takes away the experience and enjoyment of using a tool that allows you to access information on one topic on one website. 

“Imagine reading your favourite book and suddenly come across a page in the book which isn’t related to the storyline at all – this is an example of how to google views one-page websites with many topics – un-useful and tricky to read” – Social Plus.

A way around the new update is to section your website into category pages to comply with the new algorithm. 

Final Top Tips to Follow:

  1. Keep your content useful, helpful, and straight to the point.
  2. Try not to scale your content across your entire site 
  3. Categories your topics into pages
  4. Keep your content original and allow it to fall under search queries on google. 

For more information about Google’s algorithm click here. (link to google page)

For more up-to-date content like this click here to visit Social Plus Blogs. (link to our blogs)