
Boost Your Business with Targeted Advertising

What is Targeted Advertising with PPC?

Targeted Advertising or Audience targeting refers to the method of separating consumers into different groups. These can be divided by things such as their interests, hobbies, location, income, marital status and many more. Knowing who your audience is can be a huge help when looking to start PPC campaigns. It’s important to align your campaign strategy with the audience’s preferences and interests to see the best results.

The kind of data you would want to include would be:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Income

Targeted Advertising benefits greatly from a wealth of data on your chosen audience just remember to keep it relevant! A key thing to remember when choosing your data and keywords is to keep it specific. You want to use long-tail keywords and specific targeting to generate the most traffic possible to your site! Targeted Advertising can show your ads directly to the people most likely to be interested in your products or services!

How does Audience Targeting for PPC work?

 In short Audience Targeting uses the data provided to segment their audience members into groups and target them with content.

PPC Audience Targeting uses both First-party and Third-party data. First-party data includes data captured by the business itself through cookies. First-party data usually provides insight into the customer’s interests and behaviours. Whereas third-party data includes information collected from an outside source such as geographic location.

Through the combined use of first and third-party data, we can segment audience members into groups and target them directly with content relevant to their key characteristics.

What are the benefits of Targeted Advertising with PPC?

According to PPC stats, Paid advertisements redirect 65% of traffic while organic search results only get 35% of the clicks. This statistic shows the power of Targeted Advertising with PPC with a significantly higher conversion rate. It has been shown that PPC generates twice the number of visitors when compared to SEO. Paid advertisements have also been shown to generate a 200% Return on Investment.

Using targeted advertising helps save you time and resources for bigger tasks. With PPC you have the opportunity to focus your ads to make your impressions count and convert browsers into customers.

Targeted advertising can lead to improved customer loyalty and free word-of-mouth promotion. By targeting the customer’s needs and providing them with the right service you are much more likely to retain them long term and create both repeat business and advocacy.

So, you’ve decided PPC is for you, what next?

Once you’ve decided PPC is for you it’s imperative to make sure it’s set up correctly from the get-go and managed carefully going forward. By monitoring your campaign’s success, you are able to see which sections of your campaign and which keywords are performing the best and worst. You can constantly evolve your PPC campaign, slightly changing keywords and adding negative keywords to stay at peak performance. By performing this regular maintenance and making changes you can boost the already impressive performance of PPC campaigns.

Need help with PPC and Targeted Advertising?

Here at Social+, we provide in-depth Audience Targeting and PPC services.

PPC is a great way to reach people who are actively looking for products and services like yours. This leads to higher conversion rates and increased sales and can even help increase the quality of customer relationships leading to loyalty and advocacy for your brand.

We cater to businesses from a range of industries, and we tailor your package to your business needs.

Visit our website for more information!

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