
Making your content more shareable

The present-day struggles of algorithms, competitors, and bots make it increasingly difficult for businesses to cut through the social space and make their mark.

When trying to create shareable content you need to ask a couple of questions:

  • No two brands are ever the same but what makes your brand different?
  • How can you stand out from the social noise your target audience faces daily?

Social Plus has got you covered! We’ve pulled together some universal tips to help your content stand out from the crowd and travel beyond your own feed.

Why is it important to make your content shareable?

First things first, you may be asking why it’s important that your content be shareable.

I’m sure we’re all aware of the complications of algorithm’s but the short of it is, the more engagement the happier the algorithm.

Furthermore, shares will increase brand awareness as you are reaching accounts that may not have necessarily come across you otherwise.

However, shares don’t mean much if they don’t have an impact on your business.

If you have a post that receives numerous shares but no long-term engagement or new followers, then what was the purpose?

In fact, this could result in ghost followers which in time would negatively impact your social media accounts.

So, how do we avoid this?

The answer is simple. You need to create meaningful content that contributes to your brand message.

It’s also not just about the number of shares you receive but also the reasons behind why followers have engaged with your content.

So, let’s get down to business – how can you make your content more shareable?

Make use of tagging

How often do we see people on social media tagging their brunch location?

This is a fun feature for a lot of social media users. However, it can be an effective way for you to get your content seen.

For example, say you tag the location of a business event you attend, anyone who searches for that event will be able to find your content in the tags.

Tags are one of the best ways for your content to be seen in different places on the platform you are using. It’s not just about location tagging. It’s useful to tag any relevant brands, influencers, and followers involved in your post.

As a result, this increases the chances of your content being re-shared by others and seen by their followers.


When it comes to shareable content, interaction is key.

Interactive posts or captions are a great way to spark a conversation with your audience. Asking questions or encouraging your followers to tag people will result in increased engagement. This will encourage the algorithm to push your content further and get it seen by more people.

This also creates a sense of community for your followers, meaning you can gauge the type of content that resonates most with your audience.

Find your niche

In the digital world, there’s so much competition to be seen.

You need to produce content that stands out from the crowd and that is unique to your brand.

Easier said than done, the biggest question is: how do we do this?

One way to do this is to find a distinct and powerful message that fits your brand narrative. You need to produce content that will surprise people and stop the endless scrolling through their feeds.

You can use your content to showcase who your brand is and what you stand for.

This will also attract like-minded followers who are more likely to convert to your website and become potential customers.

It’s all about timing

One of the most effective ways to boost post engagement is to post at a time when your audience is most active.

This doesn’t necessarily correlate to more shares. However, the more your content is seen the more likely it is to be shared.

Trends, trends, trends

Like pretty much all aspects of the digital world, social media moves quickly.

Depending on your industry, you can hop on the back of trends that are relevant to your business.

It’s important to create original content but the incorporation of relevant trends can help increase engagement (and shares).

People love relatable content and are more likely to share something up-to-date and current.

At Social Plus, we can help you with all of this!

From social media management and web design to SEO and blogs, we cover all areas of digital marketing.

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