
Having an online presence is so important. But are your staff best trained to effectively utilise digital tools to benefit your business?

In today’s working world, the competition is fierce. You need to stand out from your competitors and cut through the digital space.

Having a functional website and social media for your business is all good and well. However, without a clear strategy, they may be getting lost in the social noise.

Social media is the way forward for increasing brand awareness and getting your business out there. Digital marketing is often overlooked as part of a business. However, it should be highly prioritised.

If you’re a smaller business or just don’t want to outsource to an agency, there are simple ways to market in-house.

The importance of training your staff

Training your staff in social media not only benefits the business but also protects it. Employees should be trained on the responsible use of social media to avoid (unintentionally) reflecting badly on the business.

Additionally, employees can build a personal brand online that aligns with the business. This can result in them becoming thought leaders in a niche industry that can help influence your audience.

Depending upon your industry, employees can train in social media to assist or represent the business.

Furthermore, providing training for employees demonstrates that as a business you encourage and support personal development. Upskilling your employees makes them feel valued and boosts morale within your company culture.

Understanding how to utilise social platforms effectively for your business

There are multiple social media platforms with more and more cropping up. However, there are staple social platforms you can utilise for business including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Facebook is a classic. It has a range of audience demographics and is great for building relationships. Facebook can be used to build an audience and following for your brand. It allows you to interact with customers and show who you are as a brand. This platform is great for allowing your followers to get to know your team. The Facebook audience seems to favour personal content as it gives them an insight into the people behind the business.


Instagram is used for the more visually appealing side of your business. This platform is more popular amongst a younger audience. However, over time audience demographics have shifted and people of all ages have begun to use this platform. Instagram allows you to share content and interact with your audience. Furthermore, the use of hashtags allows you to be seen by a wider audience who you may not have reached otherwise.


LinkedIn is a platform designed for the business community to connect and network with other business professionals. This platform is great for B2B businesses and can also be utilised to advertise new job opportunities.


In addition to these well-known platforms, TikTok is making its way up on the list. Unlike other apps, TikTok presents you with an opportunity for your content to be seen by anyone and everyone. This platform is good for increasing brand awareness and demonstrating who you are as a brand. TikTok provides a space for you to show off your fun side but also offer insightful content within your industry.

The social platforms you use all depend on the type of business you are and the industry you’re in. However, training your staff on the social platforms that can best be utilised to benefit your business is a good idea.

Digital Marketing Training

Here at Social Plus, we understand the importance of both having an online presence and training. We offer digital marketing training sessions in which we will audit your business and create a bespoke training package to suit you.

We also offer a series of training webinars. Our upcoming webinar focuses on how you can leverage employee engagement to increase return on investment. This is a FREE webinar and will take place on Wednesday 1st March.

Alternatively, we offer full social media management so you can get on with running your business!

Why not take a peek at our socials – Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Or visit our website for more information.